My work and its meaning to me – Namita Singh

My work and its meaning to me – Namita Singh

Contemporary South Asian Architecture: My work and its meaning to me

Namita Singh,She shares her work to show her thought process and its result.

About: Namita Singh, She graduated with Hons. from the Chandigarh College of Architecture in 1970. Ever since, she has been practising with her husband, Mr. Satnam Singh, as a partner in the firm Satnam Namita and Associates. She has designed Institutional, Commercial and Residential buildings during her career spanning over the last three decades. For her outstanding contribution in the field of architecture, she has been conferred with numerous awards, including the JIIA award, The Dharmasthala Manjunatheswara award, Interiors Today award, Gem of India award and Mahila Rattan award. Her works have been frequently published in many design journals as well as national newspapers.
