18 Feb Poonam Choudhry

Our bridge to India was first taking part in the Indian Week with art exhibitions in Stuttgart..
Our design studio started right away with different design disciplines: Communication, Textiledesign, Interiors.

Additionally we founded a textile company with our designs and developed the designed label – Poonam Choudhry – Limited Edition. We had a textile collection of table clothes, printed in Switzerland and cushion covers, blankets and shawls from India. Besides this we developed corporate design for different companies.

Our bridge to India was first taking part in the Indian Week with art exhibitions in Stuttgart. The background with textile design and communication makes us aware about haptic solutions and typography.

We experiment and discuss to implement and shape our future with positive developments
Our present work consists of: Concepts for Events, Installations, Productdesign, Interior, Writing about Design and Architecture, PR and Communication.

We design, curate, do research, question, develop, integrate with events, platforms, publications, design projects and strategies. We experiment and discuss to implement and shape our future with positive developments für the human being and culture in the times of digitalization.
For the task of “The Future of the Cities“ we founded the event CreativeDays in Stuttgart in 2016, which is an international platform with lectures hold by designers, thinkers, architects, urban planners with the bridge to India.

Along with the lectures evening there are accompanying events for design, arts and architecture. With this platform we want to promote the exchange and networking, discuss, initiate new projects, listen to thinkers, make the apparently impossible possible and inspire to shape our future.

For the future it is important to design sustainable products
Our way to the future is: Concepts and Curation for Events, Festivals, Installations, Exhibitions, Productdesign, Writing and Research.
As a women I see that we women have to stick more together. That means, working together on concepts, promote each other, develop our vision for the future of design, architecture, urban spaces and more.

We have a different view on the things, we have different thoughts than the men, we think empathic and we need to implement this for the work in design and architecture in the society.

We should raise our voice and create more opportunities to show and share our opinion, thoughts and work. For the future it is important to design sustainable products, to think and work on the challenging task of the cities, to create good and healthy spaces for people.

The awareness is changing in the society, but it is still too less yet and we have to do more and that is why I very much appreciate this conference Women in Design. The awareness is changing in the society, but it is too less yet and we have to do more and that is why I very much appreciate this conference Women in Design.
Poonam Choudhry
Concepts for design, installations, exhibitions, research, events. writing.
Stuttgart, Germany
Poonam Choudhry-Bargiel is born in New Delhi, India, grown up in Germany. After her degree Diplom in Textile Design from the State Academy of Arts and Design, Stuttgart, Poonam Choudhry was working for a couple of years for renowned home textile companies in Europe and founded the poonamdesigners studio with her partner Martin Bargiel.
The studio has shifted its work from textile and graphicdesign to product, interior- and communicationdesign, curation, research and events.She observes continuously the development of design, architecture and cities writes about it. She travels a lot and writes about her journeys on urban spaces.
With her interdisciplinary experience she is the Creative Director at the designstudio poonamdesigners and has excellent skills in developing designstrategies and entire concepts. Since 2007 she has been creating and curating continuously concepts for exhibitions. She gives regularly lectures, e.g. Design Center Baden Württemberg, imm Cologne. Since 2012 she also has lectureships at universities, e.g. HFG, Hochschule für Gestaltung Schwäbisch Gmünd, University of Applied Sciences, Munich. She is Director for Intercultural Design in the DDC (Deutscher Designer Club). In 2016 she has founded the international platform with her partner, the “CreativeDays Stuttgart”, an international platform for design, arts, architecture, urban planning.